Release Notes for June 21, 2017 (2.0)


    • New Areas! Clouds, Mines, Hell, Lab, and Venus Beach!
    • 5 New achievements
    • New Scoring System and Balance Meter
    • UI Completely redone to look clean n’ crisp!
    • More skater outfits
    • Added Coin Doubler Man premium outfit to New Buyers Package.

After the initial release of Epic Skater, we were very proud of what we had accomplished with the finite resources we had, but we had some issues to fix and the fanbase wanted more.

We prioritized the scoring system and new skateable areas at the top of our to-do list.

The ability to manual and grind without some sort of risk was leading to our top scorers to combo for hours without any increasing difficulty.

Combining the new scoring system, new areas, and adding the balance meter felt like a great balance between risk and reward for both new and experienced players.

We now have a discord channel! Come and join us here.